Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30, 2015 Go, go, go!

Week update.

            This week was pretty good! Thursday was interviews with president! And my year mark! For every interview our president runs with the zone leaders in the morning. So that was fun, he has done a handful of iron man races so it was fun keeping up with him. Afterwards we came home and all used the showers then he took us to breakfast and then we hit interviews. It was all pretty good!
            Friday we helped a family move stuff into their house all is well. But I am yet to help somebody move as a missionary and some elder doesn't break or put a hole in anything. Over all it was a good move.
            Saturday we got our car repaired which is nice the tire kept going flat and it needed a safety inspection. So we had to drive to New York to get it taken care of.   
            Sunday was good. We spent the day tracting / looking up people. Everybody was really nice. But none were really interested. But that's all right. 
            Monday was district meeting / car inspections. It was a good time. It was fun to see the office senior couples again! Later that day we went and nicked some doors.     
            Yesterday we went and gave service at a rest home. I got to play word games with old people it was a good time!  Afterwards we went and tracted some more houses. We had a bit more success but no one was super interested. Nothing really crazy or anything happened. So that's all right! I hope you all had a good week! Love ya!

Elder Richards

Look ma no hands!

The Stamford Zone got rewarded with Dunkin Donuts for having exceptionally clean cars.  Thank you Elder and Sister Gardner for managing the automobiles and encouraging our missionaries.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 23, 2015 New area and New companion Elder Johnson from Morgan Utah!

Week update.
This week has been a good one!
Friday was a sort of quiet day. We tracted a bit and New Canaan has some big houses! I tracted a literal castle. I will attach pictures at the end of the email. This is definitely a unique experience! We tract a lot of mansions! The people aren’t super receptive, but their maids are very polite to us!
Saturday was pretty good. We taught a few lessons which is always a good thing. We have a pretty small area, and it is very wealthy. But there is a pretty big ward here so most people in the town know the Mormons or they have a friend who is a member. So we can usually start a conversation that way.
Sunday was good. It was cool to meet a lot of the ward members. Sunday evening we had to get a ton of the district leader’s numbers and organize them all which sort of stank but it’s whatever!
Monday was good. We had district meeting which was pretty good then we tracted some more!
Tuesday was good too! We taught a few lessons! I met our most solid investigator Darlene! It was cool because she randomly started talking about how much she is grateful for the change the gospel has brought in her life. It is really cool to see people like that! Tuesday I dropped my iPad while tracting and cracked the screen a bit! It’s the worst! But it’s still functioning and the cracks don’t really interfere with anything so that’s a blessing! It’s crazy to think I have almost been out for a year! Time flies! All in all a good week! It’s been cooling off a ton and the leaves are starting to change which is exciting!
Elder Johnson far left, Elder Richards far right.
A few thoughts from this transfer are,
1- This transfer had a lot of unexpected changes! President Smith is changing a lot of the leadership! We are expecting a new AP this next one! Elder Reid goes home to Hawaii! Every zone leader companionship changed this cycle! So that pretty crazy!
Elder Richards, Elder Reid the assistant, Elder Hill and Elder Rains
2- So the schedule isn’t too bad! I don’t have as many small tasks as the district leaders do. I have to supervise the district leaders though which is pretty good! The only problem is if crap hits the fan. I’m the first in the splatter zone!
3- The new shoes are great! They are super light which is awesome and they fit well, keep my feet cool and are comfy! Thanks a ton!
4- My new comp is Dwayne Johnson from Morgan Utah. I was his district leader back in south Manhattan at the start of my mission! Which was pretty cool! We have been friends the entire time and now we are comps!
5- The area is small! And we have a few investigators! I don’t know too much about the others , I have only met with one! But her name is Darlene! She’s really cool! She lives with her daughter and has some struggles but she seems to really enjoy the gospel!
6- I miss the office! Elder Dutson replaced me there, and he is great! So I miss him!
Things are good here! They have some nice houses with some huge yards! I could see you loving them! It does stink Elder Scott passed away. But he is with his wife now so that’s really good for him! I’m really looking forward to general conference! It will be a good one I think! Its nuts how fast time goes by! I have to enjoy every day! It’s the only chance I will get to do this! Anyways love ya! Have a good one!! Hope you all have a great week!

Elder Richards

Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 16, 2015 Transfers and I go too.. UPDATE!

This Last week was pretty wild! To start off:

Thursday was a pretty fun day! We had to drive to Connecticut to pick up a washer and dryer! So
that was a bit of a drive. Then we had to drive across the mission to West Point to drop it off and install it at a senior couple’s apartment! West Point is really cool! They have all sorts of cool army
stuff there. It was neat to be on the base too! Then we had to drive home in some crazy rain! It was pouring! It was a little sketchy but we didn't crash so it’s cool! 

Friday was pretty good too! We went to the Train the Trainers meeting! It was a lot of fun. It was sort of weird because I wasn't training but there was still good things said! It was also fun to talk to all the trainers! Later that night we went and moved some mattresses which was alright then we went to a lesson with the sisters! They ran into this guy who said he was really interested in family history and he wanted to meet us at the church and learn more. So he came and they had us and the ward mission leader come. Anyways this guy shows up in full military camo and leather boots and
beret and everything and he proceeds to tell us he is in the Pan African Defense Force. Then he starts telling us white man stole Jesus Christ from the Egyptians and that Horus is the real god. And how the church is just ran by a bunch of white guys from Utah and all sorts of crap. So we read scripture, bore testimony and he rejected us. He was pretty contentious and definitely didn't come with an open willing to learn mind. So that was weird. After that we split with the zone leaders and Elder Hill left and Elder White came. 


Saturday we did mail deliveries to upstate. It was a ton of fun with Elder White! He is really similar to me so we talked about music a lot! It was cool! We stopped by chic-fil-a In Danbury CT and some member hooked us up! And then the restaurant gave us cookies, because they respect what we are doing. So that was way cool! Then Saturday night I got a surprise call to be zone leader in the Stamford Ct zone! Which is a huge twist! I thought for sure I would be in the office one more time! Anyways this new ward is a really cool one from what I understand! So I'm excited! 

Sunday was pretty good I packed a ton of my stuff and then we went and looked up some less actives. 

Monday was really cool! Katy and Allie got permission to come take me to lunch. It was way cool! It was really fun to go visit with them and to talk and stuff! After word we went to the office and filled orders and figured out how we are going to haul everybody around for transfers! It was really good! 

Tuesday we went down to the city for Elder Hills doctor appointment. Then we went to lunch with the zone leaders. Then we went grabbed our suits and went to pick up the new missionaries! They all seem like a cool bunch! 

Wednesday was nuts! We had to drive people around from 5:30 am to like 4 in the afternoon then I got dropped off and replaced by Elder Dutson my last comp! Who is awesome! Anyways then I had to haul some of the sisters in our zones stuff because they forgot to bring their car to transfers, they just car pooled with their roommates which really messed up some stuff. Anyways we ended up hauling all their stuff to their apartment. Then we had to wait for them for a while because they decided to go grocery shopping. So that sort of stunk we were late for our appointment. We went to a member’s house for dinner which was really cool! The dad IS a really big hunter and he has hunted ducks on POW Island in Alaska which is rad! Anyways I was super tired yesterday! This last week has been full of surprises though! Its nuts!
Hope you all have a great week! Love ya!

Elder Richards

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9, 2015 #Newyorkcitytraffic

This week has been pretty routine! Sorry! But Thursday was good. The highlight was we went to teach a media referral, so we get in there and sit down. And then the guy pulls down a projector screen. So I already know it’s going to be good. He ends up giving us a lesson on Daniels vision of the stone cut out of the mountain without hands. It was interesting. He was accurate on something’s but way off on others.
But he has a strong conviction of the apostasy so that’s good! He is also really into conspiracy theories. All in all it was an enjoyable time. He is going to read the book of Mormon so that’s a good thing.
Friday we had MLC or the Mission Leadership Council. It was pretty good. I enjoyed myself they discussed problems in the mission and also how we can be more effective in our missionary work. Over all it was a positive experience. Later that evening we went and taught one of our investigators named Lewey, he emigrated here from Italy like 50 years ago, and he is full of stories too. He is really hard to keep focused.
Luckily we brought our ward mission leader and he was really helpful, they are both pretty old. So they got along great which is just awesome. The lesson ended up going really well!
Saturday was spent moving furniture to different missionaries’ apartments. Nothing too exciting there.
Sunday was good, nothing crazy happened.
Monday we had district meeting which was pretty alright. Afterwards we got lunch and then we got to clean cars And get them ready for inspections!
Tuesday was our mail delivery to the city. Traffic was really bad. We drove about 60 miles and it took 10 hours. #Newyorkcitytraffic. That was really the week though! Hope you all have a good week this next week!
Transfer calls are this Saturday and transfers are next Wednesday! it will be a crazy day for me so you can expect a good email on Thursday next week! and maybe a short one on Wednesday

Elder Richards

Me in front of the New York times stuck in traffic

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September 2, 2015 Leaves are starting to change.

This Week’s Update.
Hey everyone! This week has been a good one! It seems like it has flown by! Thursday we helped a member move! They are a really cool family. It was a good time! They moved to a small neighborhood in the Bronx. It looks like a pretty nice area from when I was there. That took up pretty much the entire day.
Friday we did the Upstate mail deliveries. It was pretty good; we went to the eastern states version of Carl’s Jr. for lunch. It was good but I like Carl’s Jr. more. Anyways it was a long day full of driving! The leaves are starting to change a little bit! I can’t believe it is already September! It seems so crazy!
Saturday was good, we did a Spanish APF, and I went on a short split with my Zone Leader Elder Burrell. He is a really cool guy, we were roommates in Inwood. And we have been friends since then! After the APF Elder Hills sister took us to lunch. It was a lot of fun!
Sunday was average, really nothing out of the ordinary happened! The wildest thing was in the evening we were looking up some referrals and we were deep in the hood! And we ended up talking to hood rats for like 30 minutes. They made no sense and I could hardly understand them. But it was unique.
Monday was pretty uneventful also we just did a lot of office stuff. We met a drunken Jamaican who thought I looked like an Italian.
Tuesday we did city deliveries. Traffic was really bad yesterday which stunk!
But oh well! Today we are headed to get haircuts then we are going down to the city so it should be a good day! Love you all!

Elder Richards
The East's version of Carl's Jr.